Questions about Pope Honorius – The History

In the chaos of the last sixty years, it has become common for Catholics to look for historical precedents for our situation. But in desperation to find some sort of evidence that the Church has experienced such things before, it is tempting for some to allow history to become a sort of “source of theology.” …

Theology and History II: Why understanding this relationship is crucial for avoiding shipwreck

This is the second part of a response to the historian Roberto de Mattei’s call for Catholics to unite around the Church’s tradition. It is not possible for us to ‘unite around tradition’ without accepting the Church’s received, traditional doctrine in its integrity. In the previous article, we considered the relationship between liturgical tradition and …

Doubtful Baptisms – reflections on the necessity for widespread access to conditional sacraments

In late 2020, it emerged that two priests had been required to seek baptism, confirmation and ordination after being invalidly baptised as infants. What are the potential consequences of the breakdown of sacramental practice in the post-conciliar Church? How does this compare to the sacramental security enjoyed in the Catholic Church prior to the Second …

The Visible Unity of the Church III – reconciling the Church’s teachings about her own unity with the current crisis

“Though they may be utter strangers to each other in the flesh, and divided in temporal position as far as men can be divided from their fellow-men, there will be found one and the self-same faith, one and the self-same rule of morals, the self-same sacraments, and the self-same belief respecting those sacraments; there will …

The Visible Unity of the Church II – more on what it means for the Church to be “visibly” one

Recapitulation In the previous part, we discussed the Church’s claim to be ‘one’, which in part refers to her unicity, in that our Lord Jesus Christ founded one Church rather than many. But we went further than is usually explained, presenting the Church’s teaching on her unity of faith and charity, and particularly the united …

The Visible Unity of the Church I – on what it means to believe in “One” Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

This article was originally published by LifeSiteNews in April 2021 as What does it mean for Catholics to believe in ‘One’ Holy Catholic Apostolic Church?[1] Reprinted with permission. In August 2022, I made several updates to clarify that the visible unity here pertains to those things which are taught as divinely revealed to be believed …

Dogmatic Suicide – canonizations, infallibility and the consequences

“We cannot evade the force of these arguments with ‘loopholes.'” Many Catholics are profoundly uneasy about the canonizations of Paul VI, John Paul II and others. But everyone is instinctively aware that there is something amiss about rejecting canonizations, which were previously held to be infallible. This is why there are such a variety of …

Theology Manuals – Why are they so important in the post-conciliar crisis?

“Where do we go to learn the Catholic Faith? How do we make sense of the modern ecclesial landscape?” This article was originally published at LifeSiteNews (source). Reprinted with permission. All pictures have been added. Cover photo source In a time of rampant confusion about basic Catholic doctrine – to say nothing of more complicated …

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